Monday, July 12, 2010

Some colleges in NY that have study abroad programs?

It has always been a dream of mine to staudy abroad for a summer in college, or a winter.. whatever.. I am probably gonna be studying education, teacher prep, that kninda thing. Are all the study abroad programs for art majors and history majors? do you know of any colleges in or around New york that offer these programs?

Some colleges in NY that have study abroad programs?
Almost all of the universities and colleges in NY offer study abroad programs. Those that don't actually run their own programs use the programs of other universities. And most are quite open re: major. You can be studying almost anything and take a semester or year overseas.

I know for a fact that the following universities offer international exchanges, so you can start here:

Columbia University

New York University

Fordham University

Rutgers University

Princeton University

Hofstra University

Even some of the community colleges offer study abroad programs!
Reply:try google, wikipedia or for more info
Reply:I know personally that Elmira College, Elmira NY has a study abroad program where you can choose to study in your Junior year for a full year or a half a year. In addition, they do a special third term each year with opportunities to go abroad for 6 weeks. It's quite an interesting school (I'm an alumni and had many friends who took advantage of this program).

Check it out!

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