Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How do I convince my parents to let me study abroad in Spain?

My minor is Spanish.

How do I convince my parents to let me study abroad in Spain?
Are you in high school and how truly mature are you? What do they know of the exhange program you presumably would be entering. If you are in college, can they afford the expense? Good luck! Studying abroad is always beneficial!
Reply:i actually had the opportunity to study abroad it is a fun thing to do but convincing your parents is another you have to show them that your really mature. . you should also check out study abroad programs that Are in this country before you try to venture out in another country . Report Abuse

Reply:Hi Jenna!

I love this question. I'm from Oregon, in high school I studied abroad for 3 months in Costa Rica, then in college I studied abroad for 6 months in Spain (in the south, a city called Seville- my fav. place on earth, definitely check it out). I believe so much in study abroad, that I actually work for AFS Intercultural Programs now. Just so you know for Costa Rica I went with a high school program called Partners of the Americas - cool program, but not really academically challenging. For Spain I went with CIEE and they are by far one of the best exchange programs for college students.

As for convincing your parents, I am going to make a few assumptions - you said your minor is Spanish so I am assuming you are in college -which would probably make you over 18. You are legally an adult, you don't need their permission to do anything. However, it is helpful to have their blessings and support when you study abroad. You have to decide how important this is to you - from my point of view, it is the most important decision I have ever made and I am scared to think of the person I would have become if I didn't study abroad. I STRONGLY encourage you to study abroad no matter what!

If your parents truly love you, trust you, support you and value your education they will give you their blessings. If they are worried about your safety, that doesn't make sense - you can die walking across the street, look at 9/11 and the world trade center, look at the Oklahoma City bombing. The only places in the world that are truly dangerous and I dont' recommend you travel to are listed on the State Department's website and I bet you can guess which ones they are (Iraq, Iran, etc. etc.) - notice Spain is not on the list. You are no safer here than pretty much any where else in the world - that is a hard fact that you and your parents should learn sooner rather than later, and don't learn it the hard way!

If it is the money issue, you have a lot of options. If you get scholarships or fin. aid from your university, talk w/ your counselor, a lot of times that aid can be applied to study abroad and a lot of the time studing abroad is cheaper than studying in the USA. For example - I went to Spain for about $9K for the semester, the private Jesuit university I went to cost about $15K a semester....I saved myself (and my parents) $6K that semester.

My suggestion, is when you talk to them, be as factual as you can. Find out every concern they have and systematically give them factual answers to calm their nerves. If you can find the factual answers give us a call at AFS or call CIEE and we all can give you tons of examples of the benefits of study abroad. I hope that has helped! Bueno Suerte!
Reply:You know thats a tough question..... if you are over the age of 18 then there is realy much they can do to keep you from going except that they may not pay your way or you could end up being kicked of the home.... if your wanting to go to spain to learn spanish, then just pay some mexican $15 and they'll teach you a lot including things you cannot learn in school lol. but all jokes aside, its usualy hard to convince parents to let you go somewhere they do not want you to go.... all i've have to say is good luck, if you make it stay safe
Reply:If you are older than 18 then you should go for it! Explore the world and this would open your perspective of life. Do things for yourself and don't worry about your parents' approval. I know that it's easier said than done but don't allow them to live your life when they already lived theirs. Good luck.

teeth sundance

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