Friday, July 16, 2010

Where in France should I study abroad to get the most effective French language immersion?

Does anybody know which cities have the fewest English speakers?

Where in France should I study abroad to get the most effective French language immersion?
Quels où en France, parce que les Français sont coincés vers le haut des idiots qui vous feront le sentir comme la merde si vous ne pouvez pas parler leur langue.
Reply:I'm not sure who has the fewest English speakers, but I studied in Angers, France for four months and felt like I improved my French immensly. I don't think it matters as much whether you try to find an area with people who speak less English - it matters more to try not to interact as much with other natives of English-speaking countries as you normally would. At my university (l'Universite Catholique de l'ouest), all of my classes were in French and students were placed according to their appropriate level. However, even the beginning levels were language immersion programs and were completely in French.

If you are really brave, and you think your French is up to par, a good idea might be to enroll in a French university with other French students, rather than a program specifically designed for foreign students like I did. However, such a program would probably be more difficult to get into. When I studied in France, I interacted with my host family on a regular basis (always in French), as well as with several French friends and with people working in restaurants and other businesses. I think anywhere you study would be fine for language immersion (except Paris - I often had to force people to speak French with me there!), as long as you are willing to make the effort to interact with people, you will be fine. Besides, French people will only switch to English if you ask them to or if you are obviously having extreme difficulty (or, sometimes, if they see you as the perfect opportunity to practice their English). If you are making the effort to speak French, they usually appreciate it.

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