Friday, July 16, 2010

How much money does it cost to study abroad in your home country? Already a citizen.?

Denmark. I am 16 living with my aunt. What's enough to pay my aunt a month? I have a room in this house and water cost, the food. I am citizen here so it's not like I am in a completely foreign country. My parents send money every month. What's the difference from living in a boarding school? I don't have to pay for my school that I am going to, just transportation. My aunt seems to demand a lot of money so I don't know if it's good enough. When you're a citizen in Denmark it's not expensive. I just can't figure it out really.... right now I don't feel comfortable with my aunt because I feel like she is demanding more money just so my dad will sell his car because the family is more about business than... well family.. :s

How much money does it cost to study abroad in your home country? Already a citizen.? all depends on where you live. When I was studying, I was paying 1600 kr. a month for a rented room in a private household in one of the big university cities, that was including water, heat, electricity, use of the washing-maching, kitchen, bathroom, fridge etc., but not including food.

When I was living in one of the smaller cities, I paid around 1500 kr. a month for a studio apartment, that was excluding heat and electricity.

For living with your family...hmmm...I would say 1000-1500 kr. sounds fair, but I feel that with a family, there are many factors to be considered, such as the economy on both sides etc. Perhaps you could talk to your aunt? Or could you get a small job after school? I used to teach English and clean factories and offices while I was studying, that really gave my budget a boost. Just try not to take on too much work and make sure to leave time for rest, free time and studies.

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